So Yesterday I received the email I have been nervous about receiving for about 5 years. The BYU Animation department wins the College emmies pretty much every year and get personal visits from Pixar, Dreamworks, and Blue Sky every year. That's the good news, the bad news is that only about 30 students are admitted into the program and... well... more than that apply. 20 are accepted into the art side and 9 into the computer side. I thought my competition's odds were unfair if I had 20 opportunities to be accepted so I chose to apply for the smaller half.
Well anyways, I was doing my Spanish homework in the library when my phone vibrated telling me that I had a new email with the subject name "Pick up your Animation Emphasis Decision." Nervously I opened the email, it read:
Hi all,
The faculty have made decisions for the Animation Emphasis. Please come to the CS Department 3361 TMCB to pick up your decision letter.
Kim (who must be someone important to know)
Needless to say I abandoned my Spanish homework and began what felt like a trek across the entire Oregon trail to get to the TMCB (The Talmage Building). When I got there I hiked up the stairs and turned the corner to see another applicant opening his letter then bursting out into a huge celebration. Really, he was shouting and jumping and fist pumping and dancing down the hallway. All I could think was, "8 spots left..." Well I got my letter and (acting super chill and collected) shakily walked to the stairwell where I opened my letter. I won't deny a certain amount of fist pumping but I did not dance or scream. Inwardly though I felt like I had just won the Olympics!
Well here is some stuff from my application that I haven't shown yet. They all come from a project that I did in High School. It took a really long time! I built ever piece on the computer, designed the coaster, an found a way to get it working! After designing the coaster I built the actual coaster using real K'nex that the school district was nice enough to buy me! Well here they are. This got me an A in Senior Projects at Grandview. Without further ado: