Friday, October 22, 2010

Pumpkin Carving

Tonight I went on a date with Kelsey in my FHE group. The activity was to carve a pumpkin. We debated multiple ideas, and then out of nowhere, Kelsey suggests doing Michael Jackson. I assumed we were just kidding but thought that a cool pumpkin could be made with Jackson as the focal point. So I thought, what the heck?
Why not?

So I did a quick sketch, and then let Kelsey do her magic with the carving. It turned out looking AWESOME! Not kidding at all! Here it is!

This is right when we lit it.
This is a little later on in the night.
Like how good the last picture quality is? That's because it was taken with an actual camera. I am soooo in love right now. That pumkin and I have something special. Anyone who says that isn't awesome, is nuts! Til next time!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fun Current Project

So once again, Class tends to produce my best hand drawings. I really like the thumb but I gotta be critical of where I placed the knuckles. I need them closer to the fingers. I do like the shading of course. I think I did some cool stuff adding depth. Thank you Book of Mormon class.
Anyhow, the real reason for the title is because of something that happened while I was sketching on my notes. And don't worry, I was paying some attention to class as well. I just had to stay awake. We talked all about 3rd Ne 13 - 20ish which was really cool. Can't beat Christ's appearance to the Nephites!
So I started by drawing the ears of the people in front of me when I just started doodling. I really liked a style that Anita used with her lettering when she wrote a letter to Robert Carpenter. I should've taken a picture of that too, but I didn't draw it so... Anyways, I drew 3rd Ne. and I really liked my "D."
That's a little more zoomed in on the 3rd Ne. I really liked how the "D" looked, (as mentioned above) so I decided that it would be the coolest thing ever to make an entire alphabet based on the style of that D. Here's the beginning of my project:
Like that? I don't care! I love it regardless! I was going to fully shade the letters when I was doing the "A" but I took a short break how it looks now and I realized how FREAKING AWESOME it looked with the white-unshaded center. It looks all futuristic and metal looking almost. Can't you picture this as the Alphabet our great-great-great-great-grandchildren will be learning? So I'll post this when its done. I'm putting it on the 'Stack' on top of the alien-alligator-mouth drawing that I was working on earlier. I've made progress on that too but it would probably not be very noticeable... Actually, it would be more accurate to say I was too lazy to get it out and take a picture of it. Maybe next time!

Oh and I didn't try to find Animation Club this week. I was really hungry and frustrated with my Programming Class.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Animation Club Adventure

After making a bunch of progress on my midterm in my CS 235 class I decided to join the Animation club. I need to practice drawing after all. So Its a figure drawing class (Fully clothed, and just random members posing). But I thought that it would be a good idea to get an hour or so of drawing in for the week. Since I haven't done any quality drawing for some time. So I head out to A560 in the HFAC at 7 tonight. As soon as I walk in I notice that they had two models going simultaneously. A guy on the close side, and a girl on the other side. On top of that, it was a true figure drawing session because they were just in swimsuits. This was a surprise, since usually we only do the swimsuit drawings on Friday mornings.

So that was cool! The Animation club was starting to go all out! It was sure a surprise! Usually we would just take turns going up there and making short dumb poses for the other people in the club. Then I noticed something strange. It was dead silent. I mean it, deathly silent. Something was wrong. Animation club was almost more about cracking jokes than drawing. They're all such goofy people I could never believe they would be this silent. Then I noticed something else strange, no one had a sketchbook out. No, they all had big ol' pieces of Newsprint. Like the full size 2 foot by 4 foot pages, or whatever the size is. Something was seriously wrong now... I started to panic. I lean forward and ask the guy in front of me as to whether this was an actual class, which of course it was. Perfect.

I can't even imagine how dumb I looked just walking in all confidently into the middle of a class. Where was the teacher to look at me like the idiot I was? Or one of the students to say something? I must have been like an hour late and didn't have the newsprint. Ah well. So those would have been my sketches for this week but I kind of failed. So I guess I'll have to try again next Wed night at 7. We'll see what happens, and I'll be sure to post something by then at the latest!


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Book of Mormon sketch

Okay so I probably should've been paying more attention during my class. But I like this guy. And as with a lot of my little sketches, he's screaming for no reason whatsoever.

Friday, October 1, 2010


So... I haven't posted these yet. These are all my animations from my freshman year animation class! Yes, here they all are in one place! Enjoy!

Here's my first animation... Its a bouncing ball. Pretty simple. Only took a few hours probably. One good Saturday? I like to think I've come a long way since then.
This next one is my falling sand project. I got the highest grade on it. It took a little bit longer. Maybe a weekend but nothing too terrible.

The walk cycle. I like this one... I like it a lot! It took a few weeks to get the motion how I wanted it. Not perfect. But not too bad either.

And then our final. I'm super jealous of how good Meaghan's looks but... I had to do the sound and the editing so my time for actual animating suffered. I drew the creepy dude who's ball bounces off the page. Here's the link:

That last one took 5 of us a week and a half to do. I think we estimated 600 or 700 pages. Its been a while I don't remember. I could probably do the math but I just don't want to.

'Til next time!